Does anyone else stop themselves from doing something just because they do not feel like they will do it perfectly?

Now the thing is, I am not a perfectionist. So even if i do it, I won't nag myself crazy until it is absolutely perfect, I do my best. But generally I worry myself so much that I do not even try. Why do I do this to myself? If I am okay with not making it perfect then why not just try?. I find myself overthinking, saying it has been done already, being scared, just telling myself nope I can't do it. The crazy thing is I know I can though, we all can.

For example, my birthday is coming and I am turning 31. I would love to do a photo shoot campaign involving "30 women over 30". Has this been done before? Absolutely. Do I have all the necessary tools I need for this? Possibly. Have I done this before? No, and that is exactly why I need to. There are so many reasons we tell ourselves we can't do something and for some reason we listen. We let that little voice in our heads take over and make us believe that our version of something won't be good enough. I tend to do this with a lot of things in my life. I tell myself, why should I try if I won't be able to get it right. But what good is that? What is that going to do for me or better yet, what is that going to tell my children. One thing I remind them of is that they need to try and if it doesn't work, try again. It does not have to be perfect, it just has to be your best. See I am being a hypocrite, I need to listen to my own advice.

This is one of my very first shoots. It was a very small wedding. A woman reached out to me over facebook and asked if I could photograph it. Of course I was scared but excited. I had never done this and I didn't know what to expect. But I did it, and this is probably one of my favorite photos I have ever taken. I am proud that I tried and learned from it.

Newly married couple at Harveston Lake, Temecula.

So going back to this idea. I would love to photograph 30 fabulous women. Find out who they are and what their story is. Find out where they have been and what their talents are. I feel like many people believe that being over thirty, it is all downhill from here. Although, from what I have noticed, a lot of women in their 50's and 60's are having a lot of fun. More fun than I am, that is for sure. With this shoot we are going to show ourselves that we are amazing, beautiful and powerful grown ass women regardless of what we look like or where we have been. I am going to show myself that it is time to start stepping out of my comfort zone and create, and I hope I can get some of you to do the same. I need to stop listening to that childish voice in my head and start believing that I can do anything. And if I can't, I will just try it again, and do better. This is it, I am just going to do it. No care in whether or not it will go smoothly or turn out perfectly. I got this! We got this!!

And in the words of Jennifer Garner, "I'm thirty, flirty, and thriving."

30 over 30 Campaign with Kayla Renai Photography

Are you interested?

I am on the hunt for 30 incredible women. Are you one of them? If so, fill out the information below and I will contact you to plan a session.

The campaign session fee is my normal fee of $175 which will include consultation and planning, professional hair & makeup, an interview and a feature in my blog sharing your fabulous story. Each woman that is a part of this phenomenal experience will also receive a free 8 x 10 print of their favorite photo, as well as $30 off any other product of their choice. I can not wait to hear your story and see what beautiful images we can create!